Challenge: The fascination of empty tables or "where are the special interests"?

Hello, everyone

I wanted to show you something funny today that I stumbled upon when I sorted the pictures, I uploaded to Google Maps by view…

Somehow my photos of empty and almost empty restaurants seem to radiate a special fascination, here the top ten of the unexpected “table lovers”:

I think it’s funny, but I didn’t really expect it and so I thought how it looks like with you.

With pictures like the following ones here - I would have expected more views… they belong to the category where yourself think “that one went really quite good”:

I am happy about a thumbs up for my reviews…but do you feel the same way? Even if your photos are really great, almost nobody gives a thumbs up there? Well, I do - if not we who else…:wink:

But now I’m more interested in the pictures that appear in your Top 50 most viewed pictures and what connects these pictures with the others.

This could be, for example, that especially your pizza pictures are viewed a lot, or that street shots with traffic lights are more popular than those without.

It would be great if you could give me an insight into your top 50 views in this little “challenge” - I can’t imagine that only I got the “table lovers” … :wink:

I am already looking forward to your comments and hit lists!

Stay healthy & home!



LocalGuides, Instagram, Google Maps, Twitter, Facebook and Website

…and don’t forget to make the pizza!

Here the actual link to my last story: Yam Moo Yang (Duroc) - a mindblowing salad
Here the link to my story: Pizza @home
Here the link to my application story: Live, experience, be surprised & share
Here the link to my newest list: Livenjoy - culinary feel goods

Here the link to my story: Bouquet, Taste & Textures

Here the link to my story: Black Garlic - Not only tasty, but also healthy!

Here the link to my story: Tampopo – It’s how I discovered my Love affair with noodle soup

Here the link to my list “Erik`s Steetkitchen Plus”: Noodle spup, street kitchens and more.

Here the link to my list “Erik`s have to visit if you are nearby" Here is a list of worldwide places you should see / visit if you are located close to them.