Erythrai is the ancient name of the village of Ildiri, 20 km north-east of Cesme. Erythrai is believed to have been used by Erythrai as the “Red City ın due to the red color of the city land, which is derived from Erythros, which means“ Red in in Greek. According to another hypothesis, the city took its name from Erythro, the son of the first founder, Cretan Rhadamanthes. The findings obtained in the city have shown that there has been a settlement since the Early Bronze Age in this region. During the Second Colonization, the city was ruled by Knopos, a descendant of the king of Athens. In the beginning, the kingdoms ruled by the kingdom was ruled by the Vasileids, who were the descendants of the king, but were chosen by the people. The Panionion, founded by the Ionian cities, joined the religious and political unity. The city experienced a short period of tyranny with Payhagoras, and in this period it gained importance with the mill stones it produced and sold out. Erythrai is captured by Lydia and later by the Persians. The city, which joined the uprising, as well as other Ionian cities against the Persian yoke, together with all the Ionian cities, gives Alexander the independence in BC.334. Erythrai, who changed many hands as a result of the turmoil after Alexander’s death, passes into the hands of Pergamon (Bergama) Kingdom. B.C. In 133 BC, it gains the status of a free city within the Roman Empire. During this period, wine, goats, mill stones and women’s oracles became famous with Sibyl and Herophile. The region, which suffered great destruction due to earthquakes, wars and plundering of Roman commanders, lost its importance during the Byzantine period. After entering the Turkish domination in 1366, Erythre, Rhtyrai, Lythri districts with different names such as; After the 16th century, Ilderen and Ildiri became known. In the city between 1963-1966 Prof. Hakkı Gültekin and later Prof.Dr. Excavations were carried out by Ekrem Akurgal. First BC. The ancient theater on the northern slopes of the Acropolis, believed to have been built in the third century, was removed from the ground. The remains of the temple of Athena were also found in the research conducted at the highest level of the acropolis. The city was surrounded by a 5 km long wall. The theater was partially exposed. In the research in the acropolis M.Ö.6. and pottery, stone and earth figures from the 7th and 7th centuries.
Erythrai is the ancient name of the village of Ildiri, 20 km north-east of Cesme. Erythrai is believed to have been used by Erythrai as the “Red City ın due to the red color of the city land, which is derived from Erythros, which means“ Red in in Greek. According to another hypothesis, the city took its name from Erythro, the son of the first founder, Cretan Rhadamanthes. The findings obtained in the city have shown that there has been a settlement since the Early Bronze Age in this region. During the Second Colonization, the city was ruled by Knopos, a descendant of the king of Athens. In the beginning, the kingdoms ruled by the kingdom was ruled by the Vasileids, who were the descendants of the king, but were chosen by the people. The Panionion, founded by the Ionian cities, joined the religious and political unity. The city experienced a short period of tyranny with Payhagoras, and in this period it gained importance with the mill stones it produced and sold out. Erythrai is captured by Lydia and later by the Persians. The city, which joined the uprising, as well as other Ionian cities against the Persian yoke, together with all the Ionian cities, gives Alexander the independence in BC.334. Erythrai, who changed many hands as a result of the turmoil after Alexander’s death, passes into the hands of Pergamon (Bergama) Kingdom. B.C. In 133 BC, it gains the status of a free city within the Roman Empire. During this period, wine, goats, mill stones and women’s oracles became famous with Sibyl and Herophile. The region, which suffered great destruction due to earthquakes, wars and plundering of Roman commanders, lost its importance during the Byzantine period. After entering the Turkish domination in 1366, Erythre, Rhtyrai, Lythri districts with different names such as; After the 16th century, Ilderen and Ildiri became known. In the city between 1963-1966 Prof. Hakkı Gültekin and later Prof.Dr. Excavations were carried out by Ekrem Akurgal. First BC. The ancient theater on the northern slopes of the Acropolis, believed to have been built in the third century, was removed from the ground. The remains of the temple of Athena were also found in the research conducted at the highest level of the acropolis. The city was surrounded by a 5 km long wall. The theater was partially exposed. In the research in the acropolis M.Ö.6. and pottery, stone and earth figures from the 7th and 7th centuries.
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P.S.: I’ll merge your post to your other existing one called ÇEŞME ILDIRI ANCIENT CITY OF ERYTHRAİ.