Celebrate World Kindness Day with us on Connect

Caption: An illustration of four different hands reaching up to touch a globe.

Happy World Kindness Day! One of our values in the Google Local Guides program (and here on Connect) is simply that: to be kind to each other. Community is everything to us.

We champion inclusivity and share our discoveries with anyone who might want to learn about them. We create content on Connect to pay it forward to our friends and let them know about experiences that bring us joy, so they can also feel that joy. That’s why a worldly celebration of kindness is something we can truly stand behind.

To help us celebrate World Kindness Day, we invite you to comment below, tagging someone you cherish from the Local Guides community. You can share a photo or just your thoughts. Has that person been kind to you? Have you witnessed them being kind to others in the Local Guides program or here on Connect?

Share your stories about kindness in our community below.


Without a doubt my compatriot @FaridTDF , was the first that kindly give me a warm welcome to Connect. When you first enter this fantastic forum it could be sometimes overwalming. He give me a lot of advices about this forum always with an enviable kindness that I think is one of his principal feature. I had learn a lot from him. I don’t know him in person but I hope one day I could share a meet up.

Sin lugar a dudas mi compatriota @FaridTDF fue el primero que me diĂł la bienvenida a Connect.

Cuando entras por primera vez a este fantástico foro, puede ser que te sientas un poco abrumado.

Me diĂł muchos consejos sobre este foro siempre con una amabilidad envidiable la cual creo que es una de sus principales caracteristicas. AprendĂ­ mucho de el, no lo conozco en persona pero espero algĂşn dĂ­a poder compartir una reuniĂłn.



@KatieMcBroom Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to celebrate this special day here!
Without hesitation I think about @Giuseppe75 with whom I have exchanged a lot on Connect. And even if I’ve never met him either, I’m very happy to share with him. I have a special thought for him who is participating in Connect live 2019.
I would like to take this opportunity to include also @Julien44 , @AdrianLunsong , @FaridTDF , @SebaasC and @Venance and all friends here in Connect !!!

Let’s celebrate ! :partying_face:


Eyy @Rich-r thank you for tagging me!

And for your comment!

I haven’t heard from you in a while.

Hope you are fantastic!


Thanks bro @Rich-r for tagging me .

Proud to be a LG


Hi @Rich-r ,

You are so kind :pray: . Thanks a lot for tagging me, this is highly appreciated :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

I noticed that you have tagged really nice people. To be honest, you are right and I can confirm as I have met them: @AdrianLunsong and @Giuseppe75 are amazing :heart_eyes: .

I would like to take the opportunity to mention lovely friends that have always been so kind with me such as @KlaudiyaG @PaDeSSo @Sagir @AkmalB @NareshDarji @GeorgesHR . I have never met you guys but deserve being mentioned. I hope we will have the opportunity to meet one day :crossed_fingers: .

Thank you all for being awesome :hugs:

See you around



Hey @Rich-r ,

What a beautiful surprise, I am so grateful to you for being such amazing friend. Thank you so much for mentioning me and likewise I have the same feeling for you and for the many extraordinary friends to mention @Julien44 , @AdrianLunsong , @LuigiZ , @AlejandraMaria that I am so happy to have met here in Connect Live 2019


Definitely a TON of names I would love to list out but I would like to reflect on the kindness that @Phunky brings to the program and everyone he meets. Selfless, hilarious, and energetic - a great friend to many Local Guides, whether it be online or in person, and always willing to lend a helping hand.


wow @KatieMcBroom it’s an wonderful discussion. Thanks for this.

I am a local guide and always trying to contribute on our social including Google Maps & Connect so that everyone can get these contributions as useful for them. I am proud of my contributions on this platform and for being a Google Local Guide. I would like to tag my few friends in this discussion - @ShafiulB @ermest @KarenVChin @DavidTito @OmarBD @Mohammadalauddin @BishowvijayaP



@KatieMcBroom thank you so much for sharing with us.


I hope I am not accused of “flood”, but I will tag the entire Local Guides community


Thank you. :cherry_blossom:

  • Very interesting :+1: :cowboy_hat_face:

( @KimberlyAnnG and @HimanshiS in Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo @YasumiKikuchi )

Hello @KatieMcBroom ,

Yes, as you say, we are social people who model the importance of kindness!! I respect all those who make non-profit contributions. So I’m hesitating because it’s unfair to describe the kindness of a particular person, Still, I know some people who put in practice what is kindness.

Some guides know me and @KimberlyAnnG are one of my best friends. She looks may be active, passionate, and have an impression of being friendly with no discrimination. However, the keyword that expresses her that I know is “kindness to people with weak positions” And I believe this is an essential part of the dignity of the Local Guide. She is the one who can let go it to save the weak, even if there is something that can get. This is consistent with the leadership I think. But this doesn’t mean sacrifice. This is the opposite of general leadership. So we are close.

Indian @HimanshiS suffers from difficult Japanese language, but is undertaking a busy job in Japan. I was worried that she would be lonely in Japanese society, so I often contacted her. When I have an errand in Tokyo, she opens up a very busy schedule and meets me everytime. @Izumi also invited me to be in Tokyo.

“Meeting” is simple but not so easy. This is because it is necessary to make various preparations for the opponent. In particular, it is difficult for Japanese people (especially Tokyo) to meet for daily thanks. They are guides who can do that.

@catlinging is also a kind person. I visit Taiwan frequently for work and something. She will always meet me and support my life in Taiwan with information. She appropriately dealt with my troubles caused by cultural differences. Is this just a Connect Live 2018 Friend that is a strong relationship? I do not think so. It is a leadership action that tries to save the weak.

And I want to tag @davidhyno and @OSAMA who make excellent comments on Connect many time. Their keyword is “Responding equally to unfamiliar guides”. Send frequent comments to everyone’s posts and just praise them without criticizing or disproving them. This seems simple but difficult.

Again, thank you always!!

( @catlinging and Penny in Jiufen old town, Taiwan @YasumiKikuchi )


never ever heard of kindness day sounds like a good time. Excited I’m glad I came across your page. Thanks.


Thank you so much for tagging and remembering me @Julien44 .

I’ve ML many friends around the world through my local guides journey. Let me tag here some great friends.

@DavidTito @HelloSamsonR @BishowvijayaP @StephenAbraham @OSAMA @deepakjhic


Muchas gracias por tus amables palabras @SebaasC :blush: , creo que Connect tiene esa virtud es el lugar donde todos podemos compartir grandes cosas pero por sobre todo podemos ser grandes personas con el prĂłximo , sin siquiera conocerlo en persona solo por que es nuestro colega del otro lado del mundo, en nuestro caso del otro lado del paĂ­s jejeje gracias nuevamente por tus palabras.
Tu también estás haciendo de la amistad y la solidaridad con los nuevos un buen trabajo, me da gusto leer también cómo guías a algunos, gracias a ti también :+1: :slightly_smiling_face: :ok_hand:

Saludos Farid, desde (hoy) desde Buenos Aires, Argentina


Gracias @Rich-r , Connect y en especial el programa Local Guides nos da la oportunidad de conocer a cientos de personas de lugares que nunca escuchamos y que tampoco sabĂ­amos que existĂ­an, ese don que tiene hace la diferencia y la fortaleza de esto, feliz dĂ­a de la amabilidad

saludos Farid


this is an awesome post @KatieMcBroom

Very kind of you my friend @Julien44 you are always there for everyone and ready to assist always. thanks for tagging me.

permit me to mention @KarenVChin @ErmesT & @FaridTDF these are my 3 musketeers whose kindness is beyond explanation. many times I saw them here on connect going to any length to assist other guides. its my wish to be like them and to meet them live one day…

kind regards



@KatieMcBroom thank you Katie for this interesting post. That remind us to keep being a kind and good local guide . :smile_cat:

@YasumiKikuchi Thank you Yasumi for your touching words.It’s my pleasure to give my resources and information to all local guides fellow.:partying_face: :smile_cat: If any lovely local guides visit Taiwan, please be free to contact me.As you know,we are a kind global family .We play ,we guide and we help each other.

And I love to tag some my lovely local guides fellow,that they are really inspired me to be a great local guide and push me to keep growing.



Creo que todos los que estamos en esta comunidad de Local Guides tenemos la virtud de la amabilidad, ayudando a muchas personas que buscan una opinion de un lugar o alguna recomendacion al visitar un sitio. Si no fueramos amables nos guardariamos nuestras experiencias y no hariamos que la comunidad creciera.

Si tengo que nombrar a alguien es a @MaxWalsh que fue la persona que me dio las primeras instrucciones para entrar en el mundo Local Guide.

Sin dejar de nombrar a todos los Local Guides del #TeamArgentina que son personas increibles y siempre dispuestas a ayudar.

Feliz dia de la amabilidad.