Category for AED's


I live in a small town called Evesham. We have a local group of volunteers who have raised money to install Public access defibrillators across the town. The aim is to have one in every street.

On Google maps there is no category for AED’s. Having emailed @JanVanHaver on his thoughts he suggested I brought the idea of Google adding AED’S as a category to the Connect World.

These machines are vital link to survival rates when someone’s heart stops! Highlighting them on maps could help save lives.

Google has so many useful ways to help with safety as we are aware. Including fall and crash detection, plus earthquake notifications, this would another way level up community awareness of the location of the devices.

Any thoughts appreciated, thanks taking the time to read

Regards Mark


@DeniG can you please escalate this to the appropriate team? This is a request that has been made several times already (I came across posts from as early as 2017 while looking into this), but perhaps the criteria for adding categories were still different then?

My impression is certainly that these days new categories are not necessarily as much linked to businesses as they used to be, so let’s make another attempt to make AEDs properly mappable - the ones that are mapped currently are most often categorized as first aid post, doctor or medical center, which obviously could also lead to misunderstandings.

Thanks for suggesting this @Bon0402

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