Catching the African tiger fish.

We catch it but we never lose its species, due to the way we conserve it, what we enjoy is the way we catch it and it’s own beauty. It’s also a sport as chosen by the locals. #tiger fish.


Very cool that you look after the fish and only catch what you need @Michael677 so the resource will last forever.

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Hi @Michael677 It is very honorable to try not to destroy the species, congratulations

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Beautyful picture of children holding the tiger fishes @Michael677 .What is the way they are catched?.I would like to know if it can bite people or not.

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We use the rod and reels as well as nets,to catch the fish. So of not handled correctly, it can bite and it’s really painful, because the teeth are very sharp as they appear to be @IamJoseFelixAranda . We really enjoy doing that, it’s fun.

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That’s what we do, we don’t allow mass catching. Conserving mechanism is what we practice, with the ministry of environment involved and the local people @Gezendunyali … it’s for the

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Thanks a lot @PaulPavlinovich … it’s for the best, that attracts tourists in our country.

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