5 years ago I added my first review to Google maps and I totally just forgot about the platform. 2 years ago I picked up on it again for fun and because I realized I actually enjoyed reviewing places ( a food critic in my right)
Getting points for adding pictures, new/small businesses, answering questions, putting up reviews amongst other things was very exciting but I didn’t know how much of an impact it was making until I started getting mails about 3k+ etc people viewing my pictures ( really that number of people saw my picture happy dance).
Anyway I’m a Level 6 local guide now (humble brag) and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Level 10 here I come.
Pegman and I about to take on the world ?
This same thing happened to me!
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Hi @Topelaj many many Congrats!
I’m a Level 8 Local Guide and had 35,252 points as of this morning but when I went to check some facts earlier it was dropping to 35,180 then continuing until now it’s 34,754 at 8.37pm!
It’s really odd! I really worked hard to get my points, like yourself, with detailed reviews and good food photography which I let the owners know about too. I usually go to places I have of my Want to go list unless the place is new and local.
I also check facts which isn’t easy as a phone call to the place is usually required to check the opening hours and other details! I don’t take reviewing lightly as it happens! I review when I go for lunch or breakfast so it’s a part of my day not the main focus of my day! So now waiting for the Help Desk to get back to me on this!
The very best of luck with continuing your reviewing! It is one of the best ways to spend some spare moments in a busy schedule!

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