Cant add sites

I have a lot of sites I goto take loads of photos check phone number website but when I add them they never appear one example of a site totally missing is [REDACTED]. You can see the site entrance on Google maps with the sign what is wrong or what am I doing wrong I am missing out on 500+ photos and hours of time


Hi @Samuria , welcome in Local Guides Connect

Please edit your post, for removing the website you shared in here.

What do you mean when you write “I have a lot of sites I goto take loads of photos check phone number website but when I add them they never appear”?

How is the status of your edit?

For more information about the edit status, please read: Why is my edit status “Pending” or “Not Applied”?

For the procedure about adding a place in Google Maps, Add a missing place to the map will probably help you

Hello @Samuria ,

I have redacted the website from your post, since we do not advise on using external links, because your post might be considered spam.

Could you please be more specific in regards to your inquiry, as @ErmesT suggested? Also please take into account, that before appearing on Google maps, every edit you made needs to be reviewed and that might take some time.

The point is the site can be seen on Google street view I added website phone number so there should be no problem as there are 3 forms of verifcation Tried several times over a month and I have a few sites like this if you can see it on street view and its not on maps it should be clear its correct

Hi @Samuria ,

It seems you are adding phone number and website to different places. As @ErmesT mentioned, what is the status of your edit in Contribution Tab.

Can you explain I posted details from the sign at the entrance verified it with people on site verified details on the website verified it on Street view all details phone numbers location website all match and it’s an old site missed not a new one.

We need someone to contact about these problems as I have a few one is a 200 year old world famous church which I can’t add. As I am level 8 with 2 million views of my photos my addition should be accepted as fact

Hi @Samuria ,

What the status of the edit in Contribution Tab in Google Maps? Was it rejected instantly or in review process.

The Not Applied issue are common among us as I too have faced such issues.

The best way if you couldn’t add the place if it’s meant to be in Google Maps, you can approach their administration and suggest them to add through the Google My Business Interface and Verify them.

I have a few Not Applied which is daft the whole point of guides is to advise Google that your local on the ground and making edits that are correct. Is there no way to contact someone its not fair to reject it when its correct with no reason One of the other still showing Not Applied is the 200+ year old world famous church which is madness all these show up on street view I spend many hours doing this and lots of money travelling and this is wrong and not even good practice. It takes them 2 mins to look at their own street view and verify I am correct or goto the website or phone them up

@Samuria the auto rejection and approval are done through Google AI. They keep learning so it can improve the local guide experience. It’s best to approach the church administration to add the church through Google My Business Interface & Verify it.