Can't add review to any place directly.

In Android app, if I open any place and go the reviews, I can’t add reviews. Though, I can do it for any place if I go to Contribute - Add review - Find the place.

Also if I add a review to the place, I can’t find it in the place reviews, only in Your Profile - Reviews.

UPDATE: solved by reinstall Maps on the device.


Hi @YevhenKhomutskyi

As far as I can see, you wrote 3 reviews in the last hour.

I can see the last on both in your profile and in the business listing

In the place is also possible to add reviews

Can you please better explain the issue, adding a screenshot and a link to the business. Also be aware that it is possible to add reviews only on listing on maps, but not to addresses or geographic elements of the map, like villages or cities

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When I want to add review and open reviews on the place I see it like this.

If I open the same place in incognito mode, I can add review directly.

Under my account I can’t see 5 empty stars and add reviews directly to any place. I can add reviews only from contribution tab.

Hello @YevhenKhomutskyi

Please tap the rate & review option adding the relevant number of stars.
That will open a text box in which you can add the review text.
Tap post is once done.
You will also find an option to add photos below the text box. Tap that & then add photos through your collection in the gallery.

That happens to be the new User Interface to add reviews and post photos quickly.

I don’t have rate and review option when I logged in under my account (pic 1 in my previous message), I only have this option in incognito mode.