
Gallipoli Peninsula, where the Gallipoli Wars took place where 253 thousand martyrs were buried, the ancient cities of Troy and Assos, and the Kaz Mountains with hundreds of endemic plants are among the most important information of Çanakkale.

253 bin şehidimizin yattığı Çanakkale Savaşları’nın yaşandığı Gelibolu Yarımadası, geçmişe sahip olan Troia ve Assos Antik Kentleri, yüzlerce endemik bitkiye sahip olan Kazdağları Çanakkale’nin en önemli bilgileri arasında yer alıyor.


Hi @gezginteyo I have relatives who lost their lives in Galipoli and one that came home. This was a terrible time in the history of the world and is certainly worth remembering to avoid it happening again.

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