Can you imagine life without Google Maps?

I certainly do not.
Today’s world we could safely call the World of Travel.

Thanks to the development of aviation - traveling has become easy and cheaper.

Millions of people plan their travels online - they want to find accommodation, where they can eat a meal, what kind of entertainment they can expect.
Thanks to Google Maps, you have everything at your fingertips.
For example, I like to share my restaurant’s reviews - I think that it is worth appreciating people who work there and at the same time give a signal to other tourists that here they can expect good food and excellent service.
I also like to share my photos of my journeys so as to inspire others to visit those places.
And what motivates you to share your photos and opinions?


Gracias por compartir, lo que me inspira para dar a los demás es que esta vida vivimos para ser felices por la gracia de Dios.

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sharing same thoughts here :blush: keep enjoying, appreciating the places, people etc… going around with google maps together :rose:

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