Can not add local historic place

In my part of the world there is a famous historic place called “Dacre Cottage”. It gets lots of visitors. It is not on a public road. You have to walk along one of several walking tracks to get to it. It is right on a beach (which is also not named in Google Maps).

It is located at 36°39’29.7"S 174°43’39.5"E, and you can see it in the Google Satellite imagery.’29.7%22S+174%C2%B043’39.5%22E/@-36.658247,174.7270768,166m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x6d0d3b1202f982ab:0xe4c3612ec77902ad!2sE+Coast+Rd,+Auckland!3b1!8m2!3d-36.6969522!4d174.7156748!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d-36.6582469!4d174.7276318

I have tried added this place many times over time, as I think it would help other people planing on visiting it. I can usually add places ok, just not this one. I find it very frustrating.

I’m 99.99% confident nothing can be done about this, but decided I would try asking here just in case.


I ever added the location of restaurant in map also …they have process to approve before publishing this location. I m not sure what notification you received when you try to add this place?

@IshantHP_ig could you help us for this issue?

The usual “NOT APPLIED”.