can I have another order of this please!

I personaly love this kind of dish. It have papaya and turmeric powder that is way it has yellow color yet flavorful.


Hi @santino_marinduque

This looks really delicious, thank you for sharing it with us. Did you cook it by yourself or you had it at a restaurant? If you had order where we can get it from?

I hope that you reviewed this place on Google Maps. It would be really useful for future customers who are looking for more information about this place before purchasing from them or visiting them.

Good day. I didnt cooked it, I ordered it instead here at Auntie Beth Canteen located at San Francisco Quezon. it is just 60pesos or 1US dollar. this food has a great taste and best paired with rice. Most Filipino know how to cook this kind of dish and if you have Filipino friends you can ask them to prepare for you guys ,aside from me I really dont know how to cook this.

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Hi @santino_marinduque

Thank you for your information. Indeed looks very delicious.

Please don’t forget to tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.

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@Aruni thank you so much