Can I get addresses on Maps edited in bulk?

Hi everyone!

Let me start off by saying that I’m very new to Local Guides Connect and I’m definitely not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. Feel free to direct me to a different place if this isn’t the right one.

On with the question!

I live in an apartment building that used to be an office building. When they renovated the place they asked for a bunch of new addresses from our government in order to split a single office building into roughly 90 individual apartments. Sadly ALL of these new addresses are located incorrectly on Google Maps. Next to our building is another office turned apartment complex, and all of our addresses actually lead to their building. This is very confusing for people navigating to our houses.

Do I need to manually create 90 requests for all of these to addresses to be edited? Or is there a way I can provide someone over at Google with a list of all these addresses so that they can change them all in one go? I can provide plenty of proof in the form of real-life photos and videos, as well as images of the official government cadastral map that states the location of all these addresses.

Thanks for everyone’s time!


Hello @LuukD

We can’t do any community edits through automation. One has to put up the requests individually.

Further, any such automated action may get perceived as spamming.

Nevertheless, the apartment federation can claim the POI and then make the changes in bulk.

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Hi @LuukD welcome to local guides connect and thank you for reaching out.

I do not have enough knowledge about this topic but I can refer you where you can get help, see this link to get some information on the same topic on Adding Individual Units to Property and if this could not help you, you can create your own post there so that experts can respond to your question directly by following this link and create your own post here. In the mean time I will tag @Flash to assist you.

Since you are new here I would like to share with you Your guide to Connect and our 14 helpful tips for using Connect, if you need more information on anything check our Help Desk or create a new post here if you did not get help, using the correct category. Have a nice day.

Bulk editing is not yet possible, The current method require that you highlight each street individually

But you make it as a suggestion for consideration
