Can I be a Multi-local Local Guide

Hold on, who is a “multi-local Local guide”? Confusing isn’t it?

Actually it is not very original, the idea came to my mind from the company I worked for. See, I worked for a multi-national company, and multi-nationals were looked at rather negatively in some countries. We wanted to create a modified image: So we became multi-LOCAL multi-nationals, conveying an idea of being part of or close to the local environment and needs.

I apply this concept in reverse, why would a Local Guide be restricted to being a “LOCAL Local Guide”, presumably the original Google concept, to create a local information base to guide all around the Map. Why cannot Local Guides contribute to information in other Locations as well? I know this is not precluded, but the term “Local Guide” does not fully encompass this. I thought there is scope for the concept and the job to be expanded. Hence the “MULTI-LOCAL Local Guide”. Right, getting the picture now?

So, I am excited to be a multi-local local guide, which is what I love to do, and what I love to share – to share reviews and photos as I travel. It offers a lot to share, history, scenery, architecture, activities, food etc. etc. It is very satisfying to feel that my contributions will help the traveler after me to fine tune his trip and time in the country.

It also becomes a learning experience. An important site/activity overseas means you need to read about it, understand the history and the significance of it, and need to carefully work on you review to say the most important facts in the shortest way possible – for you cannot write lengthy reviews on Maps. One thing; although I am somehow excited to contribute in this manner, clearly I cannot forget my primary role as a LOCAL Local Guide!! I will continue to give due importance to the local scene as well.

Let me explain why I am excited about this. My career took me around the world, giving me a wonderful opportunity to see the world. As a retiree now I am continuing the tradition. Our biggest bill for the year is not household expenditure, or food or insurance or any such thing, but travel. And my experience in life, equips me very well to look at things critically and write meaningful and comprehensive reviews. My interest in photography enables me to take interesting photos and make the information even more valuable.

In summary, why I love doing the reviews in multi-locations is the synergy of a number of things coming together:

-Love of travel

-Love of photography

-Experience and expertise in review writing and

-The love and the need to share material and contribute to the community.

So that is what I am evolving to be; a happy multi-local Local Guide – thanks to Google. I share some photos to highlight this excitement.

Note: What I have done in a way in this post is to expand on the theme used for my application video; which explained the opportunity and my personal capacity to be this type of Local Guide. No harm I presume, as the prompt here is similar; what I love to share on Google Maps.

(A Connect Live 2019 application post) #localguide connect, #googlelocalguides #localguides #connectlive2019


@google moderator; @moderator @TraciC

Hi, Sorry to bother you, but I have made this post in the “Travel” category by mistake. It should be in “Local Stories” as stipulated for a connect Live 2019 application. Appreciate if you can kindly move this to Local Stories. Thanks very much.

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Hi @Sarath-Ab ,

Thanks for letting us know! : ]

As mentioned, in case there would be an significant inquiry, feel free to let a Google Moderator know.

For the moment, the post should be as intended. If there would be anything needed correction, please do tell us.

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Thanks very much @sonnyNg , I note that you have already moved it. This is very fast work, and my appreciation. Wish our governments can work like this. !!


I saw the picture of Swayambhunath in Nepal in the thumbnails and it reminded me of my hometown. Great post. You have travelled lots of countries and experienced lots of local culture. It can definitely make you ‘Multi-local Local Guide’. I like the idea :slight_smile:

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@Rachhek Thank you for your comment. I have been very lucky, started travel with my job and am continuing. Nepal was very nice. I also took an Everest flight… breathtaking experience. Good Luck with your post.

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Hi @Sarath-Ab ,

Thanks for letting us know and for the recognition!

I do believe that all good deed can be done, sooner or later. : ]

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@sonnyNg Hi, Just wondering… when I open this post, my profile name changes to something else - from “Sarath-Ab” to “Srth-Now”, just wonder how this could happen?

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Hi @Sarath-Ab ,

Thanks for reaching out!

Just to be sure, would you mind telling us if that occurred more than once? If it is possible to share with us on a screenshot as well. : ]

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@Sarath-Ab very nice post! cool pics!

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@sonnyNg Yes this happened more than once… a number of times… and I noticed it in some of my earlier posts and comments. Randomly and it switches back to the correct name. Will share a screen shot when I see it again…

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Hi @Sarath-Ab ,

Thanks for the confirmation. : ]

Just in case, would you mind trying to log into a different internet browser to see if the issue may occur?

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@sonnyNg Will do. I think I had this happen both in my browser as well as the phone. Somehow it doesn’t seem to happen now, but will keep you posted whenever it happens again…

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You are good at photography and writing, too.

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Thank you @IRENEMJ , for the compliment - no one else here told me that !! Good night.

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Hi @sonnyNg , My profile name change happened quite a number of times. Sarath-Ab to Srth-Now, Right now even my comments to you have the modified profile name., but it changes back at other times. I have anyway taken a screen shot:. Please have a look and see how this happens. Thanks.

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Hi @Sarath-Ab ,

Thanks for the screenshot and the explanation of it. : ]

Just wanted to make sure, have you tried to turn off the translation option, by clicking on the Show original button to check if it may change anything?

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No @sonnyNg I haven’t tried that… will try and let you know. You may have a point… I was using translations that morning… Thks

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Thanks very much @sonnyNg It works. I am marking this as the solution. Cheers

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Hi @Sarath-Ab ,

Thanks for the update, as well as for the acknowledgement!

However, as an important note, I may kindly have to withdraw the accepted solution, as my previous reply would not really have connection to the main subject of the whole thread. (for further remarks, feel free to check the handy post How do I mark comments as solutions?)

P.s: In case you would like to avoid the inconvenience, as shown on your screenshot, you may click on Options and to choose Never translate English.

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