Camping on the "Edge of the World"

I lived and worked in Riyadh for 3 1/2 years. Most weekends I would go out hiking in the desert and occasionally go camping for one or two nights.

One spectacular place was a place that is known as the “Edge of the World”. It is a place with high cliffs looking over the empty desert. It is truly breathtaking. Extreme care must be taken in areas like this because the rock has been beaten by the fierce sun for thousands of years so is quite crumbly.

If you ever get a chance, this place is certainly worth a visit.

See Google Maps location here and some of my photos here and some more of my photos during a dusty visit here


Wow, that’s incredible @TheEagleEye !

How was your experience living in Saudi Arabia? I assume it’s quite different. What was your favorite thing and the most challenging? I’ve never been to the Middle East yet, but I’m curious to go to Dubai.


Hello @TheEagleEye ,

Another great post from you! Thank you for sharing it with us.

The place reminded me a location that I’ve visited in Morocco, more precisely in the region of the High Atlas.

I’m sharing with you a photo of the rocky place in Morocco.


Hi @DanniS . My experience living and working in Saudi Arabia was pretty good although there was challenges. If any of us live in a different country than our own, we have to adapt, not the other way round. I adapted to the culture and religion. 99.9% of the local people are good (my estimate), and I rarely came across the 0.01% of not so good.

Expats bond and we enjoyed getting out of the city as much as possible.

My favorite thing was hiking and camping. One of the most challenging things in Riyadh was driving. The highways are busy and there was too much speeding.

If you go to Dubai, that is completely different to anything in Saudi Arabia. If you go to the UAE, go up to Ras Al Khaimah and do some hiking. There is so much more to the UAE than Dubai.

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For sure @TheEagleEye , I agree with adapting to the country otherwise it will be hard on yourself. I’ve only lived around Europe so I don’t have much experience with living in a completely different culture and religion, but I’m sure there is always something new to learn even with yourself and what you’re capable of. You’re lucky to have had these living experiences around the world, it’s very rich!

I’m not very familiar with the Saudia Arabia and countries there and which place is safe and which not so safe, so I guess that’s why I was thinking of Dubai. But of course there is much more to explore and hopefully I do.

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I have seen your other photos, looks wonderful @TheEagleEye

You’re a great photographer,

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Thank you @AbdullahAM

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I hope to visit there


Great experience! I admire you and your wife for taking such risky ventures. Thanks for this post.

Best wishes.