Camping at Sermo Lake

Waduk Sermo is Lake in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A beautiful

place to visit with friends or family, even you can rent a tend and camp there, it is fun and you must to try it. New experience to stay there for a night, you can make a bonfire, sing a song with your guitar, if you lucky enough you can see the beauty of full moon. In the morning you can get the fresh air where you can’t found it in city, btw you set up a tent in a hill besides the lake, so you must bring your own jacket or something to warm your body. And than you can see the sun rise up, also when the sunset time if you go there early for the camping holiday.

Sermo Lake is not far from Yogyakarta, it just take 2hours by a car or motorcycle, so I think its close enough for a students in Yogyakarta.