Calling all Houston Local Guides

Hello, Local Guides in Houston TX USA!

My name is LouMC. I am not new to the scene.

I have been trying to host Meetups on Local Guides Connect for awhile. Since my submission is not successful, I hope to get your attention by posting this on the general board. If you are in Houston Texas, United States, please reply to this post. I host monthly meetup in the community, mainly in Houston Chinatown.


Hello @LouMC

I see from your profile it’s not your first time to organise a meet-up,well done. I also see your comments on someone else post about a meet-up as well. It’s good you’re trying to make efforts to connect with other Local Guides.

Now I believe you already know Tips-How-do-I-search-the-Connect-Community? . You can always do a quick search on Houston and few posts and local guides wll surface. You can kick off from there contacting local guides from Houston. I did a quick search and found a few earlier on.

Secondly I believe you also know How-to-organize-a-successful-meet-up it’s worth reviewing even if you have done it before. Now Tips-for-hosting-virtual-meet-ups is also quite interesting. I have organized lots of meet-up and I understand how difficult it can be atimes. Nevertheless I have had a few solo meet-up(By myself) and still enjoyed it and shared the recap here on connect. I love meet-ups and I’ll encourage you to keep at it and don’t relent.

About the submission and approval I could give you further tips in the PM if you don’t mind. Just to get your meet-up approved.


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Hi @LouMC

Welcome back to Connect.

I know your pain, as it is not so easy to create a successful meet-up.

My tip for you is: try to build a relationship with other Local Guides here in Connect, and then to work together to create a Meet-up.

You can search for Local Guides in your area, as suggested by @LouMC , but you can also add Houston Tx as a Followed location here in Connect (please read You can now follow posts about your favorite locations on Connect ). In this way (please check this link) you will be able to see recent post from Local Guides that are active in the area.

Responding to their post will help you guys to better know each other, and to plan something for the future. As you can see there are several local guides Active in the area, and I am sure some of them will be happy to meet.

Another suggestion is to try to write some post about your area and your interest as a Local Guide. In this way the community will start to know more about you, and it will become easier to interact with them

Thanks for the tips, @ErmesT . I’m still learning the new Local Guide Connect. I started a post about Houston TX. I hope it looks right.

I’ll start to plant the seeds by posting stories and photos around me.

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Hi. @SholaIB

Thanks for the reply. I know Local Guides Connect changed the way to post Meetups after COVID-19 pandemic started in 2020. This How-to-organize-a-successful-meet-up is outdated. I chatted with a local guide in California USA about his meetup posts that he hosted. Yeah, he only hosts virtual meetups. But I don’t anymore.

I’m trying to find other Local Guides in United States that have successfully posted an in-person meetup on Local Guides Connect website. I’m only interested to post, not host. I have hosted few in-person meetup events this year outside of Local Guides Connect.

I hope you can understand my concern.