This is my first post on localguides connect
I would like to show my photo. when I was in Cesky Krumlov Castle, I saw a pretty place
that was good colorful and dlspaly
I feel I went on a trip to fairytale village.
This is my first post on localguides connect
I would like to show my photo. when I was in Cesky Krumlov Castle, I saw a pretty place
that was good colorful and dlspaly
I feel I went on a trip to fairytale village.
Thanks for sharing @ds_um Cesky Krumlov is beautiful. I hope you enjoyed your visit. I’ll be back in August to do some river rafting.
Hello @ds_um ,
Welcome to Connect!
Thank you for sharing this great photo with us!
As it looks like it is the first time you are posting in the forum, why don’t you explore the many sections of the site and check out the conversations happening among our Local Guides? You can check these 14 helpful tips for using Connect.
Here are some interesting articles you could read before your next post How to tell a story through your photography and 6 tips for taking even better photos with your phone.
Keep contributing and see you around!
Hello @ds_um and welcome to Connect!
Thank you for creating your first post and showing us this awesome photo! I just wanted to let you know that I have removed the Korean language label of your post as it’s written in English. These types of labels are used so that posts in different languages can be found more easily by Local Guides who are speakers of these languages. You can learn more about language tags in the article: How do I find posts in my preferred language?.