Café Gourmand sounds like delicious !

Hey everybody, I would like to share with you today, a pleasant way to end a good meal: the Café Gourmand!

The origin of gourmet coffee is recent and this concept appeared in France, about fifteen years ago, in the restaurants of Paris.
Let me tell you a few examples :

Where: On the Beach Restaurant (Noumea / New Caledonia)

Originally created to make preparations profitable and limit losses, it has now become an essential part of the dessert menu. It allows to taste at the end of the meal, several desserts in small quantities with a touch of coffee to finish.

Where: Ô Quai Restaurant (Noumea / New Caledonia)

Traditionally, the Café Gourmand is served on individual plates, small dishes or slates. It is composed of an assortment of different desserts in small portions, accompanied by a small black espresso coffee.

Generally, this assortment is only sweet and does not include any type of salted cheese (personally I have never known this) but possibly a serving of dessert of the type «cheeze cake».

Where : Le Zanzibar Restaurant (Noumea / New Caledonia)

If you come to my country, New Caledonia a French island of the South Pacific, here is my shared list of 10 best restaurants for a pleasant culinary experience:

So I would like to know if a kind of Café Gourmand exists in your country. If so, could you share a photo?


Thanks for reading this #ConnectWritingChallenge post!! You can click here to find out more about the challenge and what it takes to make a great Connect post! And feel free to let me know what you think about my post! Do you like it? Do you think it makes for a great reading?


Great post and so amazing photos @Rich-r
Keep up to share the beautiful photos and informative posts.
Thank you for sharing

Best Regards


Many thanks for your encouragement and nice comment @Rezgar , I really appreciate!


You’re welcome, my dear friend @Rich-r

Best Regards


Thanks for the awesome post @Rich-r !! I learn a couple of new things today!! Firstly, the concept of gourmet coffee which I’ve never come across in my travels, not even when I was in Paris last year. For me this is like a cardinal sin because I love coffee and desserts and to know that this exists in Paris and I didn’t come across it… it’s… it’s… :scream:

Secondly, I’ve never knew of New Caledonia!! Not so shocking really since my geography and world knowledge is rather poor!! And what a surprise when I zoomed out of your map to find it next to Australia!! Blimey!!

I love your post! Great photos, love the captions (folks sometimes forget to add useful captions to their photos… so bonus here!), love the details, the explanation, the map links… everything nice, short and simple! Fantastic!

One tiny, tiny, tiny suggestion (I’m nitpicking here) would be to look at the flow/structure of your story.

The way you wrote your post, to me, it was structured as a linear story where the photos were an integral part of the main story i.e. the photos are linked to the text:

Intro - Origin/history - Example - Origin/what it is - Example - Further details - Example - Summary/Feedback

I like how you spaced out your photos throughout the post but the text “Let me tell you a few examples” threw me slightly because you showed the first example, and then when on to describe what gourmet coffee is, then back to showing another example. So the description in between the examples felt out of place. That is, if I were to look at it in a linear fashion.

You could either shuffle things around:

Intro - Origin/history - Origin/what it is - Example - Example - Further details - Example - Summary/Feedback

So that you explain what gourmet coffee is and then said, “here are a couple of examples” and then went on to further details and then the last example.

Or if you took out the text “Let me tell you a few examples”, then your post would be what I would see as two parallel storylines; the textual story where a reader would follow the story from the text only and the visual story that is evenly distributed along the post but is independent to the textual story. Kinda like what you get in a magazine where the photos are placed in certain positions for the aesthetics rather than integral to the text.

Also, I initially thought Café Gourmand was the name of a café!! :sweat_smile: I am easily confused!

Anyway, you definitely have no issues with writing!! Please keep generating awesome posts and I hope they will educate and inspire the whole community!


Sigh… I always write too much!!!


You are an excellent guide. Excellent images!


Hi @AdrianLunsong ,
Thank you for writing too much! :wink:
I think we can never learn enough from our mistakes, so I sincerely thank you for all your constructive and helpful suggestions.
This exchange motivates me to write a new post following the excellent advices you took the time to give me.
I would like to suggest not to modify my post so that the other participants in the challenge could understand our exchange and also improve their content. What do you think?

Thanks again for your help and time. If you have the opportunity to visit the South Pacific Ocean, don’t hesitate to say Hi to the Local Guides from New Caledonia!!


Thank you @iHeartIdaho for your nice message.
Very glad to meet you here!



Grat and nic pics also.



Oh yeah @Rich-r you don’t need to change your post! As you said, it makes more sense to keep it as it is. And it’s such a small, tiny, microscopic critique.


Hi @shantanu-kaizen ,
Thank you for such a nice opinion!


Thanks for you warm words @shantanu-kaizen , nice to meet you!


THANK YOU @AdrianLunsong ,

You were able to motivate me and I’m trying to improve.

Could you check please my last post and give your opinion?

Merci, thank you and merci again!


Hi @Rich-r

I enjoyed your story for few reasons:

  • It is nicely written,

  • The photos are beautiful,

  • And I just love café gourmand.

Thanks @AdrianLunsong for your added value.

Have both a lovely day



Hi @Julien44

It’s good to see that you take time to explain why you liked my post.

I really appreciate your nice words about my content and pictures, also to understand that you’re a Café Gourmand too :ok_hand:

Thank you so much!

Have a great day Jul,



Hello, @Rich-r

Thank you for sharing this nice story and photost! Photos look so yummy!
I’ll look for a restaurant where providing Café Gourmand in my region.

Thank you:)


Hello @HiroyukiTakisawa

It’s nice to hear you will try to find a Café Gourmand in Japan.

Please let us know, I can’t wait!

Thanks a lot for your comment and encouragement.


Hello my dear @Rich-r ,

to answer to your questions your post is amazing and you brought my mind at the period I lived in France where Cafè Gourmand had become a tradition when out with friends. I am happily surprised that in New Caledonia you have this delicious combination with coffee and cakes :coffee::cake:. What makes super this special coffee is that is never the same… You will get always different cakes or pastries with coffee.

The places you have selected seem really nice thanks to your beautiful photos and I was just dreaming having a café gourmand at your selected Beach Restaurant. I could not ask a better scenario :delicious café gourmand in front of that beautiful sea. :sunglasses::+1::blush::yum:

It was really a pleasure to read you and I thank you because your post brought me to lovely moments i spent in France.

All my best, Giuseppe

@AdrianLunsong thank you so much for mentioning this great post to all of us. Enjoyed it :blush::+1:


I really appreciate your kind words @Giuseppe75 and thank you very much for your comment.
It’s also good to know that you lived in France and had a great experience with Café gourmand :coffee:

And yes, in New Caledonia we definitely love the Café gourmand thanks to our french culture noumea.gif
To prove it, let me show you where I’ve tasted a new one last Saturday …

Ô Garden restaurant :

… and yesterday for lunch, I went back to Malongo Café because I needed another one!!!

Ok, I’m sure now you’re thinking I’m a Café gourmand addicted…:scream: and you’re right!
Thanks again, we’ll probably share again good time during this exciting challenge

Have a great et a bientot.


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