buildOn - a great movement

This was my first trek with buildOn.
The first time when I met Jharana Bam and Nirmala Chaudhary Ji.!
And the beautiful team from “The US”
Shira Gasarch
Ashley McCormack King
Ryan Navratil
Lucie Schwartz
Rebecca Phillips
Jacquelyn Horstmann
Patty Mitchell
Jennifer Jarrett
Can’t thank you enough for always showing me the right path mom Rajkumari Mahatau and dad Ram Charan Mahato I am glad you introduced me to buildOn.
And someone very important who took my interview calling me on international call (to Delhi on my Indian number) and decided to make me part of her trek and buildOn as incountry translator / consultant Laura BuildOn Reardon Laura Wagner Tom Wagner - it was nice meeting you on my second trek.
Sharing a link as well from my first experience with buildOn
