Buenos Aires to be commented

Great City needs great local guides. Let´s work together.
Buenos Aires coexists with a great mix of cultures. People from all over the world come to stay for a short or long time but leaving their mark. On the other hand, the city itself attracts us and generates energies that are always here.
Nightlife has always been a strong point in this city. Travelers from all over the world are amazed and attracted by this particularity. Because in this city there are options every day and at any time. You will always find people willing to have a good time and have a good chat.
That’s why I always like to be able to find new places where you can listen to good music, eat something delicious or just have a few beers with friends. Whenever I can I check the questions and give an answer to them and give recommendations to the places that I have liked. It is important to note if there is any observation not so much to criticize the place but to warn anyone who is looking for something in particular that perhaps this place will not offer.
Many times I want to go somewhere new for me I can see through the comments and questions first and find an idea of what I’m going to. So it could help to avoid a disappointment. This is very useful, so I think it’s great to be able to collaborate with each other and generate this valuable information for everyone.

It only take a few and the help is very big. Haven´t you started yet?

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