Hi guys,
I’d like to plan a meet up in July or August to photograph and review some places which are tagged as accessible for wheelchair users. Places which are wheelchair friendly are also great for people with pushchairs and those with mobility issues, such as not being able to climb stairs unaided.
I wouldn’t rate a lot of Budapest as particularly wheelchair friendly and I would like to draw attention to the businesses that have put the effort into making changes so that people of all abilities can access their business. I do not use a wheelchair and am not an expert on these things but welcome those who are to join as well as anyone else who wants to help, learn or start a dialogue about the issue.
I’d like to take photos of the things that might be important for wheelchair users such as wide doorways, ramps, disabled toilets on the ground floor, level floors, etc.
Somewhere down the line I think it would also be nice to create a map of wheelchair friendly places in Budapest for tourists. I was hoping it could be a collaborative project and welcome your ideas or input. Unfortunately, I can’t speak Hungarian well so any help would be greatly appreciated.