Bubur ayam

Bubur ayam bubur chicken

Indonesian cuisine contains a lot of delicious and delicious foods, it is this food bubur ayam food which consists of rice, chicken, chicken soup, eggs and spices, and fried onions and hot peppers can be added to add a wonderful taste to the food

Do not forget to taste or eat this dish when you go to Indonesia


Waaa…, @mohamedsaied tim #buburdiaduk, rupanya?

Kalo saya tim #buburtidakdiaduk #tambahcakwe #tambahsambal #tambahkucai :smile_cat: :smile_cat:

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Hai @mohamedsaied .

This is my favorite breakfast.

Please tell me the way you eat this chicken pouridge.

Eat directly or you mix all the ingredient that eat.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.

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Saya makan itu kaya cambur

Saya suka makan bubur sama cabai dan garam

Hai @mohamedsaied .

Seems you like to mix ypur bubur ayam first befor you it.

Mine is as it is , no mix at all from the outer side to, move around contra clock-wise direction to the center.

Add some gorengan too of course.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy

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