Bset PHO for JAPANESE in Hanoi

PHO THIN is a shop giving the best PHO for a Japanese. It is higher price than other PHO, but the taste is not compared with other shops. Please try to eat if you will go to Hanoi.


Hi, @1793toru

Thank you for introducing this!
Please tell me more detail about why it suits well for Japanese?


Because I feel the taste of “Umami” in the PHO THIN’s soup.

That’s why I think fit for JAPANESE.
And no animal smell in the soup too.
Do JAPANESE like “Umami” , isn’t it?

Hi, @1793toru

Actually, you’re right:-) It sounds easy to eat and good for the Japanese.

Are you japanese, right? If you so, please enjoy communicating with other Japanese local guides too.

I recommend you check here.

I’m looking forward to your next post:-)

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Here are some interesting articles you could read before your next post How to tell a story through your photography and 6 tips for taking even better photos with your phone.

P.S.: Don’t forget to introduce yourself in the Introduce Yourself - July 2020 thread.