Reptilele sunt considerate in momentul de fata cele mai vulnerabile vertebrate din lume,daca aveti sansa sa va intalniti cu ele in mediul lor natural priviti si admiratile ,faceti-le o poza ,doua apoi lasati-le in lumea lor.In tara mea sunt declarate monument al naturii si sunt ocrotite prin lege
Hi @To_paul
Welcome to Local Guides Connect!
Thank you for sharing this with us. Looks this tortoise is coming out from nature. Why not add more details about it and share your experience while taking it? This way they can be appreciated even more by other Local Guides and can drive more interaction.
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I also love to take photos of the tortoise. One day I was walking across to the lake is next to my work and many a little tortoise around. I can share some photos of it.
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Hi @Aruni .
Thank you for your attention.
Hi @To_paul
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Have a nice day, I am waiting to see your new post telling us about your experience here.
Great nature photo @To_paul . Great example of Fibonacci…on the feet and on shell! Thanks for sharing.
Hi @To_paul ,
I have just released your post from the Spam Filters. I would like to apologize for your post being marked as spam. Our filters run 24/7 and they can be a little harsh at times.
You can visit this article to learn more - Why was my Connect post marked as spam?
That’s my fault.
Greek tortoise does not know how to swim and lives on land and rocks. I managed to find them during a hike in The Măcin Mountains , some of the oldest mountains in Europe. In these mountains live several thousand. From October begins to enter the hibernation process that will last until spring. Tortoises that you see them swimming in that lake are another species, probably they are preparing for hibernation. In the meantime, I tried to introduce Yourself in October and wrote two or three words.
عمل جيد واقترح توسيع عدسة الكاميرا ليتم ربط السلحفاة بمحيط الطبيعة ونرى السلحفاة جزء من الطبيعة
شكرا لك @To_paul
thanks for the message, I also put the picture with the mountains where I found some of the tortoises
it is a protected area and there are many reptiles including vipers and other blotched snakes
Hahahaha @To_paul “I tried to introduce Yourself in October and wrote two or three words” (sic). You are quite a humorous Local Guide.
it was very hard for me to write at Yourself in October.
Thanks a lot @Austinelewex