Brivio, un posto incantevole

Brivio is a lovely place, the atmosphere is quiet, where you can admire the river Adda. 
I recommend it for a weekend walk away from the daily hubbub.


Great photos @hipath8k !

Thanks for sharing with us.

Have you used a reflex or your smartphone?



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Thank you! I’ve used a Canon EOS6D with Samyang 12mm f2.8 lens!

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Ciao @hipath8k ,

Grazie per questo splendide foto. Potresti raccontarci qualcosa di piu’ in merito al posto? Magari questo potrebbe invogliare altre Local Guides a visitarlo.

Ti suggerisco anche di dare un’occhiata a 14 suggerimenti utili per l’utilizzo di Connect.Qui troverai ottimi consigli e vari modi per interagire con la community.


Fatto! Grazie, leggerò tutto!

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Beautiful photos @hipath8k

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Hi @hipath8k ,

Thanks for sharing the beautiful photography with us.

You can share your experiences with us that you get from the place.

Thanks again.



Wow, thanks for sharing these @hipath8k !

They are truly spectacular! :slight_smile:

I just saw the photos and thought how I’d love to have short runaway from reality for a weekend in Brivio. The landscape is amazing. Just after I realized that I saw what you wrote. :slight_smile: How big is Brivio?

@IrrPavlova is very little. About 4500 citizens, in one day you can see it all. :slight_smile:

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Sounds like a small piece of heaven, @hipath8k .

@IrrPavlova yes it is!

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