Bridge with Boats

When a few boats are together, there is a boat station, but here a bridge is made by a few boats.

Photo: Some boats and nearest a Bamboo Bridge.

I went to Khilgaon today. This scene caught my eye after getting off Rampura Banasri bus. I immediately took the photo.

Photo: Some boats and nearest a Bamboo Bridge.

After observing for a while, I found out that the bridge made of bamboo and wood next to it was broken in the middle. Due to which such a bridge has been built.

Photo: Pedestrian

The bamboo bridge nearest to it.


@KhokonSharker It is very cool to see the ingenuity of the boats forming an impromptu bridge making lives of people easier, it does though make me very sad to see all that plastic and other trash ruining the environment and no one caring about it.


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@PaulPavlinovich I really liked your valuable comments. Plastic urbanization has made the surrounding environment very dirty but still the city corporation does not see this. Local administrations are discouraged from doing these things. Air pollution and water pollution are becoming a major factor in our country. There are constant news reports on social media about them. Hopefully, some of it will be saved in the future. I would like to see a picture of a canal in your country’s city. Please show if possible dear.

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I would suggest @KhokonSharker that people power is what you need. The government can’t solve as the local people cause it. The many will always outpace any efforts to clean.

In Australia we have “Clean up Australia” days and here in Local Guides there is the Clean The World initiative by @ErmesT

The advantage of using people power is that it starts to change the culture of everyone around you, they will think twice about throwing away their waste because they will feel guilty when they see other people like them cleaning it up rather than city or council employees. The ownership of the problem shifts to the local community and gradually pressure will bear on those that drop rubbish to change their behavior.


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It’s really awesome and well said. I already read your post. I think there will be a big change in my thinking. Thank you so much Dear @PaulPavlinovich .


The photos are very good @KhokonSharker which you have taken.

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@Tandrima2 Thank you so much for your nice word. Photography, Travel & Local Guides contribution is my passion.

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