Bread pizza with tomato sause ,a very tasty and instantly prepared dish,can be made ready to serve in minetes.First cut in small pieces of green capsicum, cabbage, tomato,mix thoroughly,roast ok n small flame to preapre like pest,after roast bread ,put capsicum, cabbage and tomato pest on roasted side of bread,just speed over bread,put crisps of cheese cubes,decorate with tomato sause,Finished your tasty BREAD PIZZA WITH TOMATO SAUSE,is ready
Hello @RakeshMaloo ,
Thank you for sharing these photos with us, the bread pizza looks very interesting and easy to make!
Is this an improvisation that you did, or it’s a widely popular thing to do in your country?
Did you use a bread that you bought from the shop, or it’s a homemade one?
It seems that you like taking pictures of your dishes, I suggest these helpful articles, where you can find useful suggestions: The lighting tip that makes food look delicious and 5 tips to consider when styling food.
Hi ,firstly I am Very thankful to you for comment on my post & thanks to you for your kind suggestions on my post,I will keep all the things in my mind fory next post.
The bread used Is not home made,it’s purchased from market.and it’s not made popularlarly,
Thank you for the details @RakeshMaloo .
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@RakeshMaloo как необычно пицца выглядит
Thanks once again,thanks for your guidance,I will keep in mind instructions give by you .thanks @BorrisS .
- Thanks