En este sector de la plaza González Catán Buenos Aires puedes presionar este botón de emergencia en caso de robo,hurto o discriminación
#Seguridad #security #gonzalezcatan #buenosaires#localguide #fotografia
En este sector de la plaza González Catán Buenos Aires puedes presionar este botón de emergencia en caso de robo,hurto o discriminación
#Seguridad #security #gonzalezcatan #buenosaires#localguide #fotografia
Oh, this is a nice feature in the city. I never seen something like this.
Btw how many button like this in your city, @Titico9315 ?
And what will happen after someone press the button?
Thanks for sharing
Hi @Titico9315 ,
Thanks for sharing!
I wanted to let you know that I will move your post to our Photography section and I will add a Spanish tag, since your post was written in that language. More information on Connect’s labels is available here.
@Bobiisha Hola muchas gracias por ayudarme!
Hi friend,
If it is good, the emergency button is interesting,
Well, there are not in all the squares, but little by little they are beginning to place them in the places of each city!
Once this button is pressed an alert is given to the nearest police!
Emergency button in a square.
City of Gonzalez Catan Buenos Aires
enlarged image
Once this button is pressed, the nearest police authorities are notified in the event of an accident or theft or robbery of tourists, etc.
Hi @Titico9315
I want to inform you that I merged your new post with the previous one.
Feel free to use “reply” on the original post if you have to add something about the same subject. This will make easy for everyone to follow the flow
Muchas gracias @ErmesT que haria sin tu ayuda! Gracias