Hi local guides,
My name is Noel Omondi Milanya, a level 5 Local Guide from Kisumu City, the Lakeside City of Kenya. I started as a local guide early 2018, during a map editing program hosted by google digital skill trainers at my college.
Since then I have been able to add places and buildings(hotels mostly) that are not on map and doing reviews of those on map. I have found this interesting and more important to not only me but to my entire community and the would. So people and other local guides can easily find or locate a place in my community by just searching the place on map.
Though my hobby is cycling ,but my passion for cameras and taking quality photos is much higher. Am not a good camera man or rather a good photographer as many call it, but at least from the tutorials I have learnt on You Tube, I have been able to take good photos of hotels, buildings and places of interest within my community.
Being a good cyclist, this has made movement around my community(Kisumu and Western Kenya Community) easy during my mapping and during my photoghraphy field work. I have done reviews of various buildings(mostly hotels and restaurants) within my community and given fair rating.
In a nutshell , google map has helped me a great deal, I use google map daily and this has made my movement from place to place easily and fast because of its features that are simple and easy to us.i want to help improve and contribute more on map, so that others also enjoy .