This is a unique Buddhist temple built in the 9th century. It was abandoned in the 14th century, but rediscovered in 1815 by Sir Thomas Raffles. It is a UNESCO World Heritage sight, & very well worth visiting.
Nice photos @PrestonAZTXMN
Thank you for sharing
@PrestonAZTXMN Very cool! I had a chance to visit Borobudur a few times in the past and always enjoyed my visit. Just curious why you put the title ‘Semarang Borobudur’ for your post, considering they’re not really close to each other?
You are correct. Semarang was the port where our cruise ship landed. I would edit the title if I knew how. (?)
Hi @PrestonAZTXMN - You can edit your post to change the subject or body of your post. From your post, look to the left side, and you should see a few options like the image below
If you click on the 3 dots, there should be an option to edit your post. After that, it should be explanatory, but let me know if you’re still have trouble changing your subject line
Hallo @PrestonAZTXMN , @iyudhi
Borobudur entered the region of Magelang, Central Java. Semarang is another city quite far from Magelang.
I made a post about the temple, please click here:
Borobudur near the city of Yogyakarta, people often call Borobudur Magelang Yogyakarta. But actually Borobudur entered the province of Central Java.
I edited the title. Thanks for your input.
Hallo @PrestonAZTXMN
I have been to Borobudur several times. One province’s residence.
@kasiyanta Excellent! It was quite an experience for me.
Hi @PrestonAZTXMN ,
I just came across this interesting post of yours. Many thanks for sharing it with us. It is one of my dream places to visit and explore.
Our world indeed is so much beautiful and there are always new places to be explored.
As far as I remember @FaridTDF really enjoys seeing such places and I think he will appreciate your post as well.
Gracias por el tag @TsekoV , y felicitaciones por las fotos del post @PrestonAZTXMN , el sitio es muy hermoso y definitivamente lo incluiría en una lista de viaje.
saludos Farid
Halo @Manang_pujisantoso ,
Terima kasih telah berbagi, sepertinya jalan-jalannya di Borobudur seru ya. Jika berkunjung ke Yogyakarta memang harus mampir ke Borobudur, sudah tiga kali saya berkunjung ke Borobudur dan selalu cuacanya sangat panas.
Mungkin kamu juga dapat menceritakan bagaimana pengalaman kamu saat berkunjung kesana, agar dapat bermanfaat bagi Local Guides lainnya.
Karena sudah ada thread yang berjalan membahas mengenai topik ini, maka saya akan menggabungkannya disini - Borobudur.
this is one of the wonders of the world in Indonesia.
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