Blossom Time In Manchester

It could never be said that Manchester is the most beautiful city in the UK, with its post-industrial heritage and high brick buildings echoing the dark days and Satanic mills* of its past BUT there are some secret little open spaces and some larger better known ones that do beautify the area especially in April and early May when they burst into blossom in Spring time and beautify the environment significantly. They are mostly within walking distance (but a couple are a short tram ride away). So if you find yourself on a sunny Spring day, with a couple of hours to spare, grab a takeaway drink, and maybe a bite to eat, and spend a bit of time chilling in one of these places: (*William Blake quote)

Let’s start right in the centre at St Peter’s Square - where adjacent to the Central Library and around the cenotaph, trees in bloom change the whole feeling of the bustling square, bringing refreshment and revitalisation after the Winter. Not only that, but the foxglove trees (named after the flower they look like) are superb at absorbing some of the city centre pollution.

Not a a ten minute walk away, and much quieter, is Parsonage Gardens - previously much bigger, and providing food for the students of the collegiate church (now the cathedral) this area has been surrounded by buildings now, and set to lawn - providing a much needed oasis of calm in the middle of the Spinningfields Business area. In spring time the whole area is alive with beautiful cherry and magnolia trees.

And again, not very far away, easily walkable and in Manchester’s Medieval Quarter is the magnificent cathedral surrounded by gardens which when in full springtime bloom have an almost ethereal beauty. It’s wonderful to lie on the grass in stillness under the blossom, and watch the bustle of other people go by.

There are many other beautiful locations in and around the city centre - unfortunately I haven’t got pictures of them - so my task this Spring is to edit and add to this post. This year’s destinations Sackville Gardens, Rochdale Canal Basin and Locks 87 and 89, and the newly opened Mayfield Park.

If any Local Guides local to Manchester would like to contribute photos of blossom in the area, or friends from around the world want to contribute photos of their own favourite blossom spots, it’d be great to hear from you in the comments below.



Blühende Pflanzen sind immer eine Wohltat und die gezeigten Bilder sind ein schöner Anfang

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Mate I find old historic industrial heritage much more beautiful than flowers, admittedly I’m weird but am looking forward to some of those aspects of Manchester when I visit @PeteMHW



Nice post @PeteMHW !! Oh how I miss Manchester!!! A few more weeks and I’ll be back!!

Here are some shots that I’ve taken through the years showing spring time!!

@deadmanjones @ZoeOooe @TimBull @Johnbhewitt @Castlefield_David Do you folks have photos you can add? Surrounding areas outside the city limits are welcomed as well! :blush:

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Ich meine bei den Bäumen auf die Petersplatz könnte es sich um Kastanien handeln

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@Annaelisa I did a quick search online and it looks like they are called Princess Tree (also known as Paulownias, Empress, or Foxglove tree). They seem to be native to central and western China :blush:

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@AdrianLunsong diese Namen kenne ich nicht :+1:

Ha @PaulPavlinovich - we have our fair share of those around Manchester too!

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Thanks for the great photos to add to the feel of this post @AdrianLunsong . You’re right about the name of the tree in St Peter’s Square - as I identified in my text and caption, they’re known as Foxglove trees in the UK, but it’s interesting to know their names elsewhere. They are apparently exceptionally good at reducing the level of pollution in inner city spaces - so well done The Foxglove tree!


Here’s me and @ZoeOooe in our mini outside The Blossoms pub in Greater Manchester photographed by the Google Street View car, does that count @AdrianLunsong ?

Link to Google Street view

This was five years ago. I got very excited when I saw the Google car in front of us.

I feel sure this particular pub will meet all @PaulPavlinovich 's post industrial needs too. Plenty of Greater Manchester music connections too.


last week I visited somewhere near my city, I saw the road side of these flower trees in the afternoon, looking very pretty in summer afternoon so naturally as local guide i clicked immediately, i don’t know whats name of flowers, but looks very quiet so clicked. & now share with you.

caption:- flowers trees in Roadside pic.

caption:- flowers trees photo click in somewhere.

As always dear @PeteMHW :pray:

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@ShailendraOjha der Klick ist lohnenswert, es sieht wunderschön aus

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It’s certainly Blossom, @deadmanjones hahah

Some lovely looking trees there - and also lovely looking weather @ShailendraOjha . Thanks so much for sharing.

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Thanks for the great pictures.
It is calming to see a view with flowers like this on a sunny spring day!

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Sounds like a great spot @deadmanjones admittedly I would more go after this one I am a long time techno head :slightly_smiling_face:


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i don’t go there often and when I did it was Nightmares in Wax not techno.

@PaulPavlinovich Gosh… you’re a techno guy?!! I’ve been to Hidden once… and it truly felt hidden. Not going to knock it off too much but after surveying the inside, I was already consciously mapping out an escape route because it’s like a maze in there (especially when it’s dark with flashing lights) and it felt like a massive fire hazard! :flushed:

@PeteMHW que genial post y unas fotos increĂ­bles! Me encantaron todas. Saludos