【Bistro】ATO in Shizuoka / アト 静岡 【ビストロ】

This is my first visit since the move.

The space is larger than before and there is a sommelier, so he will pair wines that match the dishes. It is said that there are more than 400 types of bottled wine, and it makes the wine lovers more excited.

The dishes are basically all beautiful and delicious. The price setting is not so high, even if it takes a lot of money. The atmosphere is also good. This is my favorite restaurant. Seasonal items are highly recommended. He cooks well.

◎Green salad full of leaves

It looks very vivid, and as the name suggests, three types of purple cabbage and lettuce? There was plenty of mizuna. Vinegar-based dressing and parmesan cheese? It took a little bit, it was simple and very delicious.

◎ Raw sea urchin, carrot mousse, consommé jelly

Sea urchin looks into the rich mousse that maximizes the sweetness of carrots. I felt the carrot before the sea urchin, but it was a dish that melted on my tongue and was excellent.

◎Homemade sausage

There is fat, but it was a refreshing and simple taste than I thought. The intestinal skin was elastic and chewy. Soft mashed potatoes? I had a big sausage and I felt full. It goes well with beer.

◎ Cold mackerel and potato

The mackerel soaked in vinegar was on the roughly crushed potatoes. The potatoes were like sushi rice. I felt that Wanglin was sandwiched in the middle to soften the sourness. I was surprised at the unexpected combination, but it was very delicious. The mackerel was greasy and juicy, but the strong vinegar helped to bring it together.

◎ Sautéed oysters There was no doubt about the season’s oysters. It was thick, creamy, sauteed and juicy. The cauliflower and petit veil of the season were also attached and it looked beautiful.

◎Wakasagi’s black frit

This was my favorite personally this time. The season’s smelt was thick, succulent, and had no odor. It’s black because the batter has a mixture of squid and seaweed, but it tasted unimaginable from the appearance. The delicate wakasagi was added with the scent of the sea and was fried fragrantly. It was very delicious.

◎Roast deer from Fujinomiya

A beautiful pink medium with no odor? It was roasted in soy sauce, and it was baked well. Because it was reddish, it was garlic-friendly, and it was very delicious. The roasted carrots and potatoes were very sweet, and the sauteed rape blossoms had a bitter taste and even felt spring.


前よりスペースが広くなり、ソムリエさんがいるので、料理に合うワインをペアリングしてくれます。ボトルワインは400種類以上あると言われ、ワイン好きにはテンションがあがります。 料理は基本的にどれも美しく、美味しいです。手がかかってる割には、それほど高くない料金設定です。雰囲気も良いです。 とてもお気に入りのレストランです。旬のものがとてもオススメです。上手く調理してくれてます。



◎生ウニ、人参のムース、コンソメジュレ 人参の甘さが最大限に引き出された濃厚ムースにウニが顔をのぞかせます。人参の方がウニより先に感じましたが、舌の上でとろける一品、絶品でした。











My review /私の口コミ





@user_not_found very good and interesting to make a video


Thank you !

I enjoy food life and making movies !

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