Bira Lake in Mamberamo Raya Papua

The picture above is one of the Tourism Assets in Mamberamo Raya Regency, LAKE BIRA. I went several times to the Burmeso Mamberamo Raya area to survey the business there. Indeed, at this time not too interesting and worth mentioning tourist attractions. But I estimate Lake Bira is very suitable as a tourist place, because this place is very beautiful. Decorated by several fish ponds. Then the natural resources are rich. One of them is tilapia fish and other types of fish.

Gambar diatas adalah salah satu Aset Wisata di Kabupaten Mamberamo Raya, yaitu DANAU BIRA. Saya beberapa kali ke daerah Burmeso Mamberamo Raya untuk survey usaha disana. Memang saat ini belum terlalu menarik dan layak disebut tempat wisata. Namun saya perkirakan danau Bira sangat layak sebagai tempat wisata, karena tempat ini sangat indah. Dihiasi oleh beberapa kerambak ikan. Kemudian sumberdaya alamnya kaya. Salah satunya ikan mujair dan jenis ikan lainnya.


thank you @Sophia_Cambodia


@Wisnusetiono brother you have many nice post I like them. You also travel alot very good :handshake: 🏾.

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He…he…thank you @SholaIB

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You are welcome my good friend @Wisnusetiono

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Hi @Wisnusetiono

The lake surrounded by greenery looks so beautiful. Thanks for this nice post with amazing photo.

Hi @Wisnusetiono ,

Thanks for sharing your experience with us! It seems you had a great time. Did you stay in the area overnight? Is it possible to do camping there? It would be perfect! :slightly_smiling_face:

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