Big problem i cant post reviews anymore!

Hello all,

Can anyone tell me what happend and if this is permanent or how i can solve this?

This is very bad news i loved reviewing and help people find new places.



@MashaPS @ErmesT

@MortenCopenhagen u had same problem in the past?


You should post requests for help in the How-to section. You can edit your post and move it there easily.

Also tagging more than one Google Moderator should be avoided.

I believe from your screenshot that you wonder why your orange star is missing.

I can assure you that it is visible when I look at your profile on Maps. Also, the fact that you can post here on Connect is proof that you have not been suspended.

I can confirm from your public profile that you have added 779 reviews and 776 of them are public. This is not a big problem.

Please explain what the problem is. If you currently are unable to post a new review, then please share the text and the link to the place.


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Thx for your answer Morten

I deleted 1 mod like you said.

And tryd to move it to howtos.

I have couple gmail email. This is how i found out its my account.

Look to the screenshot below.

With other account i can review.

With my account when i click the 5 stars i get an emty page. I got this with all places.


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Please use words to describe the problem. I can not guess what the problem is from your screenshots.

Are there two problems? One related to writing reviews and another related to you not being able to see the reviews under a place?

What platform are you using?

Can the problem be replicated on another platform?

Please, try Clear cache & cookies, if you have not already done so. The link has step-by-step instructions for Android, IOS, and Desktop. Just select the relevant tab at the top.

Also, please log out of your Local Guides account and log back in, and update your Google Maps app if necessary.

Best of luck


@MortenCopenhagen sorry my english is very poor.

@MortenCopenhagen Ive done a test with my second account to write a review (this is my test account). That seems so be no problem like you see on the first screen (tip top). When u press the stars for rating on the main screen u come in this page

On the second screenshot u see my main account. When i click on the stars on the main page of the place it leads me to this empty screen. This means i cannot write reviews with my main account. (This one)

I am using google maps dark theme.

I hope u understand it better


Hi @De_Rouck_Sidney

Have you tried already to write a review on Desktop?

This can be a glitch in the App, so I think it would be a good idea to clean cache and cookies, and to make sure that you have that the App is updated to the last version. If it doesn’t work you can make a try by uninstalling the App and installing it again

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We are getting close to me understanding your issue.

Please confirm that your primary account is the level 10 account you used to open this thread here on Connect.

So when your try to write a review from your level 10 account you get to select the number of stars and then you do not get to see the usual text field to enter your review text. Correct?

Is the problem also present when you try to write a review using your level 10 account on a computer?

Have you tried the usual clear the cache and log out and in again, and make sure Google Maps is fully updated?

There has been 2 reports on this very same issue on the Google Maps Support forum within the last 24 hours. So maybe there is a programming bug at play.

But it could also be that your account have been somehow blocked.

When you managed to write a review using your other account, did you then use the same device?

Please answer the above questions and I will check the support forum for possible solutions.



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I found one very similar case in the support forum. Check here:

But there was no solutions to be found.

Can you confirm the problem is the same?



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One test you could do is to downgrade Google Maps on your phone to the second newest version and then check if the problem persists.

Sorry, but I can not help you on how to go back to an earlier version. Google is your friend.

You could also just wait until the next version comes out and check if the issue gets solved by that.



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@MortenCopenhagen @ErmesT first of all thx for the help… u guys are real hero’s!

This is my lvl 10 main account like you say.

The other one is just a test account.

I checked some things out after your messages.

  1. I deleted cache (no change)

  2. Deleted app (no change)

  3. Test app version, here is another funny thing i have 3 phones turning on lastest version i see now. But…

3a. 11.57.4801 (2Ă—) (no change)

3b. 11.58.0701 (1) (no change)

This is very weird.

  1. I found out sometimes the review window shows… but only after closing and testing things for 20+ times… then it works for 3 times… and then its gone again for another 20 times closing and refreshing settings but not allways… there is no sense in this issue. I cant find out what the issue triggers. Also the :star2: could maybe trigger is cause if he dont show u cannot post reviews anymore.

My lvl 10 star comes and goes as i can or cant review also so meybe this could trigger.

  1. I downloaded google maps go and it works without any problem, with my lvl 10 account

  2. Another thing, i got few weeks ago 2 emails of the AI to warn me (one of my positive comments got caught, dont know why) so i edited it a day later and relaunched it… i got the same automatic mail from the AI… maybe i should be blocked but they missed to withdraw all right. Its bound on my lvl 10 account thats sure.

And the other guys.

I dont think the version has to do something about it i got it on 2 different versions (updated to the lasted version, 1 s9+ 2018 older version) only on maps go no problems seen


I still believe it is a programming bug. But thanks for all your testing and reporting.

I remember others reporting that closing the app and then opening it again will let you make a single review. Then the next one is not possible.

I bet that the two reviews you got “not published” emails on were of places in France, right? That is a test Google is running.



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@MortenCopenhagen exacly that place in France i got 2 mails from that one :grinning:

That what others post should say there is a pattern in this issue.

I can tell u here there is absolutly no pattern in this issue to see the review window. It happens once in a while for 2 or 3 reviews. Meybe 4 but not more. (Just checked for the window… didnt post a review as test)

Also the video where someone clickes from review to photos and back does not work over here.

With pleasure, i hope i can help someone with this

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