Hey … i have little dream …
if we organized a European meeting in the Czech Republic would you come?
it would be great for 2 days where we met, handed over know how!
Hey … i have little dream …
if we organized a European meeting in the Czech Republic would you come?
it would be great for 2 days where we met, handed over know how!
That’s sounds like a great idea @user_not_found
! Are you thinking of hosting a Food Crawl meet-up?
@KlaudiyaG I think it would be one day to get to know and transfer know-how to workshops and the next day we would test local restaurants and bars!
if you have a taste to get involved directly in organizing the event write me to the mail [REDACTED]
TNX all help!
Hi @user_not_found
, I would be happy to attend as I’m currently living in Prague.
, @KlaudiyaG , the idea of an European meet-up in Czech Republic is great. Prague was one of the two options for the European Meet-up 2018.
I will be happy to support your proposal, but for 2020, as for 2019 the European Meet-up has been already submitted, (2nd European Meet-up (Ghent, Belgium). by @JanVanHaver
Also, @user_not_found
please edit your post for removing your business email. In Connect we do not share personal information. If a Local Guide want to contact you privately, we have a PM system built in the community forum.
Also, please remove the link to your business from you signature. This is considered advertisement, it is forbidden in Connect.
Thank you
That sounds lovely! I hope to see your meet-up soon @user_not_found
Hi @user_not_found
Your personal information (e-mail address) was removed from your comment. We do not encourage Local Guides to share private information publicly on Connect in order to protect yours and other users’ privacy and safety.
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Hey @ErmesT no problem we have two big events in Europe!
Helps me organize Stuart, @StanaS , @LukasKutilek and other people
Be happy happy
I think Czech republic needs such a event. Czech republic is heart of Europe with beautiful places to explore
I will give it a shot.
I am interested!
Sounds good @user_not_found
Prague is quite easy to reach, is one of the historical and beautiful Capital Cities of Europe, I wish you all the best for the Meet-up
European meeting in the Czech Republic will be in the Brno
@TraciC do you support this international event? or what to do in Brno the official Local Guides event for Europe?
I would join, also Bruno is already good covered by me…
@JanVanHaver already has scheduled one and we have as well one in Moscow @@ @
@helga19 please check when to do it. Best would be maybe autumn. A weekend I can make it always.
Great news @user_not_found
either way I’m looking forward and stay tuned
Hi! It will be great to meet you in Czech Republic. Will be Brno or Prague and when? Send me message, when you will know date.
I’m definitely all in for a meet up in Czech Republic. It would be great to meet fellow guides!