Best ways to win connect live 2019?

Hello everyone! I guess we all are super glad that applications for the connect live 2019 is open.

Please what are the best ways to ensure that one’s application makes a win for the connect live 2019?

A quick how to list developed but all of us here especially those who have attended a connect live event before will help.

How-to answers please!

#letsguide #localguidesconnect #connectlive2019


Hello @absucceed ,

You can read all the requirements for connect live here on this official page. Click on the FaQs and you’ll see the requirements for application and other details.

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Hello @absucceed

I can understand that every local guide wants to join this year big event connect live 2019!

There is no best way to ensure that you’ll be selected to connect live 2019.

But there are some minimum requirements and some of the things (like active contribution, meet-up hosting etc) are increasing your chances to connect live 2019!

Please refer Connect Live 2019 Official Page for more information!

and Good Luck to you for connect live 2019!

Hope this helps you.
Thank You!

Happy Mapping & Keep Contributing :slight_smile:

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