Best Tea cafe in pune

Best tea cafe in pune for chilling with friends

Their snack options also good in taste.

They also have board games and cards to play


Hello @KJ22999
Welcome to LG Connect :pray: and congratulations on your first post here.

The Chotu Tapriwala looks like an interesting place in Pune.
I stay very close - 100 meters from this place.

Did you visit here recently?
Please also include information like how to reach here, parking facility, the best time of the day to visit, Google Maps coordinates, etc. for the benefit of local guides planning a visit here.

Also, please introduce yourself to the local guide community here and get featured on Connect:

Another important point @KJ22999

About the photo - it looks old, from 2018.

Did you capture that photo? or does it belong to you?

If not, please remove it and replace it with a photo of your own.

On LG Connect, only original contributions are promoted.

Best Regards :+1:

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It’s the original photo clicked by me.

The month and year mentioned on the Manu card was their opening date.

They have designed the menu card like a legal Draft file.

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Oh! got it :+1:

That is wonderful @KJ22999 .

Please join Pune local guides in the next meetup if possible.

I have shared all the details via a personal message.