the best thing in the work of the local guide for me is to share useful information for future users how a road cut or detour to avoid all the risks, i adore to share new place when i travel to show a new destination explain is to simplify the tragedies the attractions of the country the beautiful beaches of the new gastronomic dish of fruits for me it is a marriage between the human and the environment it is the exploration of our world one more of all that I would like as scientific researcher make our ecological map show the carbon emission rate of each place like the largest cities in the world, point the polishing places to invite the local authority to react;
we must all preserve our world we are responsible
google maps has a very important role to save the earth


Hi @Adnane1 ,

Language labels are marked when you are using a specific language and helps Local Guides find posts in the language they speak or are interested in. Therefore, I’ve removed the French tag from your post as it’s written in English.

Locations are marked separately and should not be mixed with the language. Please take a moment to read more on this topic below. Thanks!

How do I find posts in my language