Best Briyani places in India

Briyani are becoming one of the most favorite dish for most of them these days. The best part i admire and enjoy about briyani is the way it’s been evolved at different places in India. The best briyani I have ever had is the briyani from Hyderabad at hotel Paradise. I have tried the same briyani at different other location like Chennai, Visakapatnam but the best and the ultimate is from Paradise Hyderabad.

I have almost tried briyani from down south Kerala, Chennai, Bangalore to north east Calcutta, north in Delhi, Gurugram the preparation is very different from place to place and they name it as briyani…

I also had an opportunity to taste bryani from Pakistani hotels, Ethiopian hotels during my stay in US.

I loved it… You name the dish as Briyani any part of the world people will love it…