Berlin Local guide meet-up Thursday February 2 18:00

Hello Berliners,

I hope this date and time works out for everyone. This Kreutzberg location is easy to find; the door is well marked and always open. There is a small cafe in the hinterhof on the ground floor with a 4 Euro dinner if you’re interested in eating. They also have non-alcoholic drinks available, or bring your own if you like. It’s not usually crowded so we can sit at a table in the back. I hope 5 or so can attend.



Location: Heile Haus: Waldemarstr. 36, 10999 Kreuzberg, Berlin. Thursday 2nd of February 6 pm.

No RSVP necessary. If you have questions contact me here or WhatsApp 0157/5109 3938.

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Cool this works for me. I’l be there :slight_smile:


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Andreas, no one showed up ;-(

But I enjoyed a great meal with my Zircus friends, as we do every Thursday at 18:00.

I did not make it last week, sorry :frowning: But I am glad that you have met your friends there. Next time, it would work better!

Will you be at the event this google thursday? I now have an invitation +1. So if you like to join? If not, I would post something…


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yes, I would be interested in the event. what is the topic? I have been to the google berlin location a few years ago.