Berbagi cerita menjadi local guides

Agan" yg di daerah bekasi up dong, kita sharing dsini. Saya juga pengen tau lebih banyak soal kota bekasi dan tempat wisata yg kelihatannya sih dikit.

Kalo agan tau lebih bnyak kita bisa sharing dsini :sunglasses:

Hi @Muvti28 and welcome to Connect!

I’m sorry for replying in English. You may want to search the community for mentions of “Bekasi” to find posts that have that name in the title, body of the post, or the location tag. Feel free to jump into these conversations and speak with Local Guides in/from Bekasi. Community members here in Connect are always willing share, so feel free to reach out!

As you are new here, I recommend reading this post for tips and best practices when using Connect.

Have fun!
