
Vamos a juntarnos los Local Guides de Berazategui

Hello @Rodrigocepedaok ,I see that you are new at Connect.

Welcome to Local Guides Connect, a community for Local Guides.

I recommend you to follow the following guidelines.

You can introduce yourself here to the other Local Guides!

Use this or any other form that suits you:

  1. Your name:
  2. Your location: (tag your location in the location field below)
  3. What do you love about being a Local Guide?
  4. What are your favorite activities as Local Guide?
  5. How did you hear about Local Guides?
  6. What is the main reason you joined the program?

Be sure to explore as many sections as you can of Connect and check out the discussions between Local Guides in order to learn more.

Tips for getting started:

  • Read this tips for using the community!
  • If you want to share feedback and feature requests to help improve Google Maps, Local Guides Connect website or the Local Guides program you can submit your ideas here, but first, read this tips.
  • Then you can visit section Connect with other Local Guides by clicking on hamburger menu or click here to share your favorite photos, discoveries or something else.
  • Also, you can check News & Updates here or you can find this section by clicking on hamburger menu.
  • When you answering somebody or referring post to somebody tag him/her in your comment, to do that type in symbol @ and then write nickname of that person (you will figure it out after a while).
  • Don’t share personal information, advertisements or any sensitive content that can be referred to spam!
  • Do not forget to visit help page to learn more about Local Guides Connect.
  • And of course, you can explore Connect by clicking on “hamburger” menu in left upper corner.

Feel free to join any discussions and if you have any question do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you for being Local Guide!

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