Bekasi Train Station has two function for train mode transportation.
First part of Commuter line network where more than a million pasengger everyday use this network, of course it is before Pembatasan Sosial Berskala besar (PSBB - Large scale Social Restriction).
Second part is a depart and arrival for passenger fro and to Central Java and East Java province.
Bekasi Stasion is the last train destination for years before Cikarang Station opened last year.
There are improved facility of the Bekasi Station.
Tapping Machine
This train station is equipped with tapping gate for enterance and exit, many cards can be use for this tapping machine such as single day or single trip card, top up cards, bank debit cards.
Vending Machine
This vending machine is for top up ticket commuter line cards, money back for single trip.
This machine only receive Indonesia rupiah.
Standar weight and dimension for lugagge.
There are a standard maximum luggage by dimension and weight for every passenger.
Details can be see on video bellow.
Maximum Height for Ticket free child.
Children with height bellow a certain height is not necessary to buy ticket.
There a tool to measure the children height.
Ticketing box
Ticket box is serve by officer on duty for giving service for passengers to buy ticket to some cities in Central Java and East Java and some passenger who do not comfort and familiar with elf servicevending machine s.
Facilities for person with disabilities
Food Court and Convenience Store.
There are several food kiosk and coffee shop and convenience store ready to serve before you go to use other transportation mode or awiting someone to pick you up.
There is clean and neat toilet.
Some officer on duty are ready to help you.
Male and female use seperate toilets.
There spacious parking area for cars and motor bikes, but dominates with motorbikes.
If you plan to park overnigiht better consult with the officer on duty because they will give you direction where to park.
Pick up point for Hail Driver or taxi
There are some pick up point for Hail Driver (Ojek On Line) and taksi.
We should walk a little bit far because the the startegic point to pick up is for conventional without application hail driver.
Details can be see on Youtube :
Bekasi Station on Google Maps is here.
My Google Maps review is here.