Beginners please read my story "What I achieved in one year"

I started the local guide on November 11, 2017. Today is just the first year.

At that time, I had no imagination that I could have such experience and friends!

(Copyright © 2018 Google)
I have made almost 200 international friends in just one year😍 And, I could not be the top in Japan so far, but suddenly I was awarded the world’s best in one genre😲

If you are a beginner you may not believe what I say. But I was a layman who did not even know the meaning of “meet-up”. Again, I never thought that such a future would come!!

This is my first post. It symbolizes Sendai where there is a city in the forest.

I continued the review of the place, but I was heavily affected by the traffic accident, and there was a restriction on going out. I thought about how I would contribute.

The answer is "add place":round_pushpin:

I had a sleep deprivation due to an accident. Yes, it is the idea of reversal. I have time!:thinking: And I have a history of the delivery staff at transport and post office, so already knew what is in my locals. I continued adding places while checking with the paper map​:open_book:

What is your favorite field, and “What is something you can not do?”

I reached level 10 in two months from the start🎊

I joined the local guide connect after this.

@OSAMA first noticed me and praised it very much👏

He introduced many guides to me who have no friends yet.

After that, I made Japanese @HiroyukiTakisawa and some friends, They were friendly and cooperative from the beginning. I posted to introduce Japanese cherry blossom while learning from them. Since the cherry blossom viewing in Japan was attracting attention from the world, there were many reactions from the world🌸

I learned that there is a thing called “Connect Live”. But initially, I thought it was an event not related to me as a beginner. Then friends @HiroyukiTakisawa and moderators @KarenVChin said “It is better for you to apply” several hours before the deadline. I hurriedly created an interview movie and applied, but I thought that it would probably be rejected as it is a beginner😌

However, I got the notification of “adoption” quietly by gmail!:envelope_with_arrow: In this way, I had valuable experience at Google head office with many international friends in just a year. And I officially awarded the world record!!:family_man_woman_girl_boy::family_man_man_girl::1st_place_medal::sparkles:

You are a beginner who starts a Local Guide and is looking for friends with unfamiliar Connect. But there is nothing to be afraid of😉 If you are polite and you can imagine a good future, you can have the same experience as me. I am convinced that✨


Well done @YasumiKikuchi !! What a great story! And certainly a great achievement to hit level 10 way before even one year has passed! May you continue to see amazing success! !


Thank you for your warm praise @AdrianLunsong :smiley:

I want to eat ice cream with you again, so I will keep on trying hard! First, learn English😆


Very nice post, @YasumiKikuchi ! I always love reading such positive experiences regarding the program. It’s amazing that you reached Level 10 in so little time, and accomplished so much in a year.

Congratulations and happy LG anniversary!


Thank you for your warm words @Jesi
It was such a fierce change that it seemed as though it was under control of destiny😆


আমি অনেক সৌভাগ্যবান যে আপনার সাথে আমার সাক্ষাৎ হয়েছিল । আপনাকে আবার ও অভিনন্দন এওয়ার্ড পাওয়ার জন্য <3 @YasumiKikuchi


Amazing history @YasumiKikuchi ! Didn’t know you had an accident.

I hope everything is ok now! :slight_smile:

Thanks for adding so many places to maps.

I hope one day I will visit many of them!

Happy mapping! :slight_smile:


Wow, this is unbelievable @YasumiKikuchi , :clap::clap::clap:, from start to level 10 in just 2months.

I am so sure you must have been an ardent and assiduous mapper to have achieved that feat.

I am really wowed by your achievements and motivated by your experience.

I would love to learn a thing or the other from you, perhaps a few more details that time and space couldn’t permit you to share on this post.

Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for sharing your story. This post very helpfull for beginer like me, lol. I hope you can continue this post with more detail about ‘what to do’ for beginner.


Thank you @MahabubMunna
There are many things to learn from you who are doing the biggest meet-up as a local guide👀


Thank you for your warm words @LucioV
I would like you to scrutinize my city someday with your street view achievements🎥


Thank you for your warm praise @AguerO
I like technological sharing. I want to tell you as much as I can convey✉


Thank you @asari
As you said, we thought that we needed guidelines for beginners. Connect will definitely evolve in the future, but at this stage I would like to support activities so that beginners will not be afraid🌱


I saw the post on Facebook and I was really amazed by such speed. I tried being faster like yours but ended up in level 8. I am a local guide from Awka, Nigeria presently in level 8. I am about 18months already and I love exploring too. Thanks for sharing and encouraging other local guides @YasumiKikuchi


Thank you for your warm reply @UchechukwuEnem
My circumstances and the environment happened to be ideal for adding places. It is a coincidence, and the conditions will be different for each person.
Still, I think “topicality” is indispensable to make friends on Connect as you know😉


It’s a good story @YasumiKikuchi

Big congrats!!!



@HiroyukiTakisawa さんいつもお世話になっております🙏



@YasumiKikuchi 's number of new places added, is really an astounding number. I cannot believe it. More than 20,000.

And the amazing part, guys, is that he got them approved. hahaha


I’m happy to Thank you @JulienH
Everything that happened to me was something I could not predict​:open_mouth::astonished:

Certainly, it is almost approved!


@YasumiKikuchi ,

How much i anticipate to get as much as you love to share.
