Before and after the end of the world

We’ve been going through crazy times, right?

There are things which happened this year or even this month which I almost cannot believe they did or it seems they happened thousands of years ago. It’s kind of weird to remember how life was like before the global pandemic and the quarantine (only a few weeks ago!).

Sensations like these makes me think about my life before my 12-year-old dog arrived. I really can’t recall how it was to get home and find no one waiting for me. I don’t know if I am exaggerating or anything but this is what I feel.

However, in times like these it’s easy to see how people have the urge to connect and they miss it so much. People need people: it’s in our DNA.

Before the end of the world, the Local Guides Program was a very important tool for me. Every time I decided to meet my loved ones I didn’t want to spoil everyone’s fun chosing a bad experience. And the opinions of the community were really important for me. Because of people that take a little part of their precious time to evaluate places and help the others, most of experiences were really great… so thank you guys!

And in the next weeks or months, after the end of the world, we’re gonna need this people even more.

After a long period of people not being able to meet people and with a likely general economic crisis, we’ll need places and experiences which are accessible so we don’t lose our mental sanity. It’s one of the things we local guides can do to help during the coming future.

Hope you all are safe and I am looking forward to get see people in real life again :slightly_smiling_face:

Giovanni Santoro

**(**quarantine is sad but necessary, stay home!)