Became Level 8 local Guide

Namaskar :pray: Friends

on 4th of April 2020 < I upgraded to Level 8 into the local guide program. >

I was waiting for the official mail from Google Local Guides. but till now I didn’t get any official mail So I couldn’t wait and gonna write this post.

A level 8 badge has added to my profile photo even though my points are too low because of neither I contribute for the points nor for the badges. It’s a matter of our own experience and interest. :blush:

I don’t stay very active in local guiding because I am an art student too nevertheless I try my best to contribute to Google Maps. Our journey of local guiding will keep going just like that.

Till now Our hobbies were like reading books, traveling, hiking, etc and now a new hobby is added to our lifestyle i.e. Local Guiding. Contribute to Google Maps as A Local guide has also become a part of our lifestyle.

By one way this year has brought much sorrow(Pandemic) in our life with itself by the second way this year has taken away me to our Indian community ( #TeamIndia ) and I met our senior LG or Mentor @TravellerG .

and this year I have attended my first meetup MY FIRST EVER MEETUP that was virtual. I was happy to meet many local guides there.

I met many local guide friends some of them are the following :







When I upgraded to level 7, one of our connect moderator @JanVanHaver replied on my post Celebration on becoming a level 7 local guide

‘‘getting to level 8 could be an excellent resolution for 2020’’ and today I have achieved his words.

and once @JanVanHaver said - An edit a day keeps the spammers away for the #LGCTM mission.

these words are still motivating me. :smiley:

Hoping for our best contributions :smiley:

:india: Jai Hind :india:


Heartiest congratulations on your latest achievement @ANKIT_SHARMA I’m sure there are many more to come :blush:


@meghanajain thanks di for your compliments. You’re right, many more to come. :heart_eyes: :yum:


Congratulations @ANKIT_SHARMA ! Yet miles to go. :yellow_heart: :cherry_blossom:

Keep contributing. All the very Best.

Stay home, Stay safe.


Thanks @VinayKrishna brother for your heartiest wishes. :heart_eyes: :blush:


Tagging some other local guides friends @OmarBD @TheEagleEye @Nyainurjanah @Kunjan811

Give your valuable feedback ( opinion) :pray: :blush:



Your enthusiasm remindes me of Robert Frosts poem which I quote here

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep”
All the best.


Congratulations my dear @ANKIT_SHARMA for such a great achieveme




Congratulation Dear…

I am sure, you will get man****y more to achieve…


Hey my dear friend @ANKIT_SHARMA :blush:

Many many congratulations to you. Rock on !!

I also didn’t get any mail from Google when I jumped Level 7 from 6.

I was also surprised. But after some days, I got it.

The same thing happened when I got a master Reviewer badge.

Till now I haven’t got any mail, but got the badge.

So, I guess sometimes It may be a glitch in the software. You can mail directly to Google. That would be a better option or else In this post tag any Google Moderator.

Don’t worry your data of this will never be lost. Google is very particular about that.

Good luck brother.


@ANKIT_SHARMA congratulations this achievement. You wrote 4th may but 4th April hona chahie thanks


Wow, @ANKIT_SHARMA that was quick - but I have been told that there are still higher levels beyond 8 :wink:

On a more serious note (after having had a quick look at you Maps profile): please do keep in mind that whatever you add to Google Maps is meant to be something helpful to other users of Maps. Quality is in that respect much more important than quanity. You might want to read this post again.


Congratulations @ANKIT_SHARMA

Let’s aim for level 9 with improved and better contribution!

Welcome to the club of 8 :bouquet:

  • @ANKIT_SHARMA has been a very fast ascent, soon you will be at level 10 which is the highest level … congratulations!*
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Many Many Congratulations Dear @ANKIT_SHARMA Brother for becoming 8th Level LG, Best wishes for future, hoping for you to achieve more & more heights not only in LG program but also in your study.

Your dedication level with which you are working on google maps is really commendable & inspiring.

Best Wishes for your dream to explore the whole world.

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Hello dear @ANKIT_SHARMA

Very happy to see your achievement and nice post.

Thank you very much for mentioning me in your post.

Wish you all the best…

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@yagokd Thank you very much ma’am :pray:

@Muhammad_Usman Ji, thank you very much :pray:

Yeah, @Shrut19 di, you’re right I still have a lot to achieve. and thanks for your wishes :pray: Namaskar

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Thank you very very much for your fraternity @Kunjan811 , Congratulations to you too for getting master reviewer badge. As far as official mail is concerned I shouldn’t worry about it, these days many employees of google are not at their office. so it may take time. today or tomorrow mail might receive soon. :pray: