Beauty of the mother nature

Beauty of Mother Nature, Travel a lot of a better relief and every journey is an experience it’s leaves you speach less then turns you into storyteller


Hi @GokulDas

Welcome to Connect and nice meet you! Thanks for sharing this beautiful picture with us.

It would be great if you could add a little bit about this place with photos and we would love to read your post too.

If you want, you can tell us more about this wonderful place you mentioned, please read the following tips on How to tell a story through your photography.

If you want to edit your post and add more details or fix the photo orientation, you can follow these helpful tips: Edit your post - Why and How To.

Feel free to share a bit about yourself and get to know other fellows in Connect you can visit our monthly Introduce Yourself - February 2022 section.

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Welcome to Connect @GokulDas and Excellent thoughts in your first post :+1:

Where did you travel recently?

It would interesting to hear the story of your travel.

Please also share the Google Maps link of the place you traveled.

Meanwhile, introduce yourself to the local guide community here:

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