Come and visit this beautiful place overlooking the Kanaim valley and the outskirts of Arad on the near range and on the distance you can see the Dead sea, the Jordanian mountains on the other side and the Hebron mountain on the north.
There is a car parking right next to the place and no hiking needed.
The place was named after an Army officer from Arad who lost his life in the army in 2009.
His name was Omer Rabinovich and the name of the place is Omer Lookout.
Okay, maybe I did not frame my question well; what is the purpose of a lookout? Is it for the Military or for Seafarers or for captains, I know I can Google the answer, but I want you to tell me, thank you.
There may be many people bearing the name “Omer” but my (sorry our Omer) @OmerAli is certainly very special! So, special I think you should meet him, or visit his profile.
I believe it must be for military purposes. I have huge respect and admiration for people who preserve their culture and landmarks. It tells a lot about their personality, passion and loyalty. Imagine going back to hundreds of years and looking at distant landmarks through this observation point, so fascinating really.
I agree, I don’t want to go 100 years back though, Omer. I want to go 100 years forward.
What will “the knowledge of Hebrew do for you” that you are not doing now? We have Joni, he can read Hebrew, so by extension, we can because we know someone who can. @OmerAli
Hey guys @Ewaade_3A@OmerAli
No military purpose… Its purely a beautiful place.
The things written in Hebrew are the name of the place after someone from my hometown and there is a map board with all the mountains and river names that you can see from there.
Thank you very much, Joni. The Guide really helps, Maybe you can push for it to be, that those of us who do not know, can enjoy it more, since it’s near to your home, what do you think? @JoniG
I mean we will purposely go out just to view these places.
Whenever I can I push for translating things.
I am translating all of the places around my home (at least I’m trying).
I will see if I can recommend for the translation next time the place get fixed