Hi @SJasourH98
Thank you for sharing this amazing photo with us. What camera did you use to capture this image? Can you share a bit more information about the place and your experience while taking these photos I think it will be interesting for the other Local Guides?
Is your place famous among tourists?
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Hello @Aruni
I took this picture in iPhone 6 it’s not a tourist place something like that is just a Mosque where people pray everyday. Indeed it’s one of my favourite places.
Hi @SJasourH98
Thank you for your information.
Is this place famous among tourists?
What activities can you do around?
Very Beautiful I like
Hi @SJasourH98
It will be so happy to be here! I like the architecture of all the religions in the world, architectural wonders!
Thank you for sharing to us.
If possible, please tag your location so we know more about this place!
You introduce more about the activities here, like food, drinks, people and culture, what to do and not to do here, etc.
"Sẽ thật hạnh phúc khi được đến nơi này! Tôi rất thích các kiến trúc của tất cả tôn giáo trên thế giới, những kiến trúc kỳ quan!
Cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẻ cho chúng tôi.
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@Mukroni Thank You
Indeed yes, @RomanRostov Thank You.
You are welcome